Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Step 1. Review the request procedure and guidelines

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows you to request copies or access to public records.

Fees are charged for labor and other actual costs pursuant to MCL 15.234. A fee deposit may be required for requests likely to exceed $50.00. Our FOIA itemization of fees worksheet can help you see the costs incurred when making a request.

We designed our form to collect the information we need to process your request. Still, you might want more details about our FOIA process before submitting a request. That’s why we publish our Freedom of Information Act Procedures and Guidelines online. You can also download and view the FOIA Handbook.

Step 2. Decide which type of request you’re making

We offer a few types of requests:

  • Receive copy
    • Make this type of request when you want a copy or copies of records.
  • Inspect record
    • Make this type of request when you don’t need a copy of the records. We’ll review your request and either allow you access or explain why you can’t access the records.
  • Subscribe to record issues on regular basis
    • Make this type of request when you want copies of all records related to a specific issue.

Step 3. Choose your delivery method

You have a few options for document delivery:

  • Pick up records in person
  • Get records in the mail
  • Receive records by email

Step 4. Complete the Form

An online version of our request form is available here:


Requests MUST include:

  • the requesting person’s complete name
  • requesting person’s address in compliance with United States Postal Service addressing standards
  • valid telephone number or electronic mail address

Step 5. Email, mail, or drop off your FOIA request form

You’ll find our contact information on the banner at the bottom of this page. 

Step 6. We’ll respond to your request

We respond to requests within 5 business days. Please note requests received electronically are considered received on the following business day. After we review your request, we’ll respond in writing and take one of these actions:

  • Grant your request
  • Deny your request
  • Grant your request in part and deny it in part
  • Issue a notice that we’re extending your request for up to 10 business days

Phone: 269-427-5831

Pay Bills: 1-888-673-7559

257 W Monroe St,
Bangor, Michigan 49013

Hours: Monday – Friday 9AM – 4PM


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